We build successful campaigns where you get access to every lead generated on a sliding scale.


To ensure maximum ROI and minimum costs the Cascade method ensures all leads are correctly profiled whilst avoiding wastage of leads.
Rather than throwing away the leads generated that don’t meet all your BANT or Sales criteria, why not have a Cascade method in place.
Hold onto and nurture the high volume/lower tier leads, whilst still generating the top tiers.


For example; a BANT campaign may yield 100 contacts that are within 12 months of their next purchase. However, during the process of finding these 100 leads, we may uncover 200 contacts that are between 12-24 months away from their next purchase, and 300 who aren’t sure when their next purchase will be! With a cascade campaign you would receive all these leads ready to be nurtured or placed into a future pipeline, rather than losing this valuable information.

Global IT Software Company

Global IT Software Company

“Gave us access to a well-established and high quality business network that would have taken us years to establish, all in a matter of months.”



Learn more about Cascade Lead Generation by reading our latest Case Study…



Case Study: USA Software Developer – PerfectCascade


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